Nursing Program


Nursing Generic Program A.A.S.

一个为期两年的课程,使学生成为一名注册护士,并获得护理应用科学副学士学位. 成功完成护理教育课程后, 毕业生有资格参加国家理事会注册护士执照考试(NCLEX-RN), and administered through, the Texas Board of Nursing.

What will I learn?

The student has the opportunity to learn the art and science of nursing; both are necessary for a registered nurse to practice nursing care. A variety of learning venues include the classroom, a fully-equipped simulation hospital on campus, 在医院或其他临床环境中直接照顾病人. 这些场所提供的经验,使毕业生进入职业作为一个合格的新手护士.


What’s special about the program?


成功完成第一学期的护理课程, 学生有资格参加注册护士助理考试.


Apply to the Nursing Program


Nursing Career Mobility LVN to RN A.A.S./Military to RN, A.A.S.

一个为期一年的项目,授予有执照的职业护士和军事医务人员学分,他们有执照或DOD13的证据,可以获得9学分的课程. 本课程以护理学应用科学副学士(AAS)学位结束.


Admission and Prerequisite Requirements

职业流动轨道服务于希望成为注册护士的具有医疗领域先前教育和工作经验的学生的教育需求. 流动性课程要求一年的时间框架,包括连续三(3)个学期. Theory coursework is done online, however, 所有临床实验室都由当地医疗机构的护理教师监督. 进入Kerrville校区的学生在该地区都有课程和临床实验室工作,除非一些最佳的学习经验只能通过圣安东尼奥校区或圣安东尼奥临床设施提供.



  1. Licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) or licensed practical nurses (LPNs) with a current Texas nurse license and a practice record in good standing with the Texas Board of Nursing; or
  2. Military service members and U.S. 在过去十年内作为陆军战斗医务人员完成训练的退伍军人, Navy Corpsmen, or Air Force Medics.   

What will I learn?

The student has the opportunity to learn the art and science of nursing; both are necessary for a registered nurse to practice nursing care. A variety of learning venues include the classroom, 校园内设备齐全的模拟医院,并在医院或其他临床环境中直接护理患者. 这些场所提供的经验,使毕业生进入行业作为一个合格的新手护士.


What's special about the program?



What can I do with this course of study?

Upon successful completion of the program, 毕业生将获得应用科学副学士学位,并有资格参加全国注册护士执照考试(NCLEX-RN)。. Upon passing the exam, 毕业生将成为德克萨斯州的注册护士,并准备开始护理专业的职业生涯.


Apply to the Program